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In Person Experiential Workshops

Image by Bruno Ramos Lara

Indigenous Awareness Building

Receive a better understanding of the basic landscape of Indigenous Awareness Building as well as some tools & processes to explore on your own time


This daylong workshop is good for groups of folks who want feel more informed, more connected & equipt to contribute to this journey of reparations our Indigenous Hosts are in at this time 


We all carry pieces of knowledge & understanding of our Indigenous Hosts & their experience, i will be sharing mine from a heart'centered, roots up approach with the intent to create more connection & awareness 

Ancestry Connection 

Whether you're just getting started & this is a relatively new concept, or if you've already been in a process of connect with your Ancestry, this workshop offers tools, insights &  practices in regards tot what it means to have Ancestors 
In my Indigenous world view, your Ancestors are you foundation & when you strengthen your  foundation you strengthen  everything that this foundation holds, when you honor your roots, your empower all that grows from them
Ancestry connection is a way to nourish & empower all other aspects of your journey & that which matters greatly to you

Down to Earth Details

Costs range from $2000 - $3000 & include:

a "Meet & Greet Session" for your group, heart'filled intake process, a folder full of  worksheets & if needed a follow-up call

Costs do not include travel & accomidation

These are daylong workshops that are 6 hours in length & can have 10-35 people in attendence

What to Expect

To be in a space where we use a combination of group connection, writing & guided processes

To recieve from my lived Indigenous experience in such a way that supports heart connection & deepening

To giuded gently into topics of the heart in such a way that cultivates connection & understanding

To be energetically

& emotionally prepared for our time together in the weeks leading up to it

To be given tools & practices to use on your own time to honor & inegtrate what we explored together 

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